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Thursday, 21 July 2016

A Little Knitting Done..

Other than another knitted Hap that is to be a put away till Christmas, no sewing has been done what so ever..
It is just too nice to be shut up indoors.

This latest Hap is made with 2ply Baby Alpaca and is the softest one I have made. I am not sure if I really want to give it away. It was so fine that I  had to knit two balls together.

If you want to knit this Hap the pattern is on Ravery and it is called A Hap for Harriet by Kate Davis.. It looks complicated but it really isn't, and I should know I am on my 5th one..

Most of the soft fruit has been picked from the garden, made into crumbles and frozen.

This is our first white burpless cucumber, from the green house. It was only 4 inches long and we have just eaten it as part of our lunch.Yum..

The weather is overcast today and  we had a fair amount of rain last night. I might start by at least tidying up the sewing room, and you never know, get some sewing done Ha Ha.. We shall see..

Stay safe and keep stitching.................................Doti....


Friday, 8 July 2016

Mug Rugs.

I joined an on-line sewing group called Just Sew.. and this months swap was Mug Rugs. So here are mine and today I have posted them off to the USA to my swap partner. I do hope she likes them.

I was in dire need of a new peg bag, so with some of the scraps left here is my new one. I forgot to take a photo of it before I filled it with pegs so it looks a little misshapen .

That is the sum total of the sewing I have done since my last blog post. I have a pile of mending and alterations to do but the garden has taken over at the moment.

The little arbor where we sit for coffer and afternoon tea is now due a severe hair cut and a tidy up, now that Mrs Pigeon has raised her two babies and they have all left.
This is the third year she has built her nest in the roses above, as much as we try to dissuade her, she is sitting on an egg before we have turned our backs (this year two).

The little bench Mr M made has moved again, this time I hope for good. There was an awkward little triangle between the green house and the fence, where all sorts of junk used to get dumped.Its now another little seating area.. Though where to put the wheelbarrow now..Ha! Ha!..

The mosaic floor is an old table top, the metal legs rotted and fell off..
I love up-cycling and it is looking good. The black pot at the front now has a lovely lavender planted in it..

Well Mr M has just come in with a second large bowl of gooseberries and tells me he is about to pick some blackcurrants so I know what I shall be doing later..

Keep safe and keep stitching........................Doti...