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Sunday, 21 October 2012

South Beach Miami

Hi everyone, still no stitching done. We are away in Miami for a couple of days, this is a picture of my hubby and I on would you believe it a Salvador Dali chair in the foyer of the Delano.

I wanted to let you know that I had not really grown fins aka my last post.

I visited the Seam Shoppe, the only quilt shop in Key West, and bought some lovely fabric to add to my stash at home, I could not resist, not only was it cheaper than in England but they were also having a 20% off sale that day, so all my will power went out the window, Ha!



Keep safe and keep stitching Doti .


1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had any willpower around fabric!!!!
    You fernhill is in Alisons safe keeping......,


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