Painting, decorating and sewing does not mix very well, and our kitchen was in need of a makeover, so most of my time has been taken up wielding a roller while Mr M does the fiddly bits of glossing the woodwork.
I did however manage to get two blocks done for Alison of Little Island Quilting
Orphan blocks for Soy Amando |
This is what Alison says on her flicker site.
I'm trying to get around 70 quilts made for a home in Mexico City that I visited on Christmas Day 2013. The home is for former street children who had the worst start imaginable in life.
While they are all now clothed and fed they don't really have anything special that belongs just to them. I took a baby quilt when I visited and they completely 'got' how special a quilt can be.
In an ideal world we' d all make whole quilts (single bed size) but I know that time and cost are barriers so to make it as accessible as possible to everyone who wants to help, I am asking for quilted 12 /1/2" unfinished quilt blocks so I can assemble whole quilts from the blocks I receive.
I really don't mind what you send me. I'm sure we've all got orphan blocks tucked away that we're just never going to use. If they are too small just add a border, too big cut them down. Add batting and backing, quilt and then send to me.
On each quilt I am free motion applique Soy Amado - Spanish for 'I am loved'.
Please Flickrmail me for my address or leave a reply to this post if you have any questions.
Thanks very much
Now I bet every one has at least one orphan block tucked away somewhere, and my goodness, it's for such a good cause. So lets help Alison to get to her target of 70 quilts, so that each child in that home has something special to call their own.
Keep safe and keep stitching..........Doti...
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