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Thursday, 31 July 2014

It's Elfin Patches Birthday,and giveaway.

I started this blog 2 years ago today, really as a sort of diary for myself to chronicle my sewing and knitting activity and somewhere to put all the photos of the things I make.

It has been great fun and I cannot believe over 31.000 people have read it in the last two years.

I love my little piece of this world here in Suffolk UK. My little flint cottage, which was built in the seventeen hundreds, and my ever changing garden. Which with the help of the birds and him above seems to take care of itself, with a little tweaking from me.

I have been away for a mini break with my grandchildren and son and daughter-law. We have been visiting lots of places near to where we used to live 40 years ago. Some were good some not so.. but a great time was had.

Now no sewing or knitting has been done so I have nothing to show. Not even finished the Lunar Quilt.
So to celebrate the birthday a little giveaway. I hope you remember the little orphan block that I did not use in the Mystery BOM.

Drawing of block.on A4 paper.
Finished Block aprox 9 3/4 X 11
Please feel free to copy the drawing, and if you would like me to send you the finished block please leave a comment at the bottom and tell me why you would like it..
If I do not get any comments ( as I do not get that many)then I shall turn it into a cushion.

Keep safe and keep stitching ...........Doti...


  1. 2 years...... you are a better blogger than me...! The trouble with this area of the country is that there are too many distractions to keep me from sewing..
    Love that little house.

  2. P.s. Happy Blogiversary..... x

  3. What a lovely giveaway Teresa and I might have to duel over who wins it........
    It's so cute. Hope to see you soon hope you Wednesday girls are all fine.

    1. Hi Pam You have not told me what you would do with it..

  4. AnonymousJuly 31, 2014

    I have to say that I love reading your blog and seeing your quilting and embroidery projects. I also love seeing pictures of the world. So thank you for keeping your blog going. I would like the block just because it makes me smile as I am sure it will do for whoever is the lucky winner.

    1. Hello Aunt Bev, so happy you are still following my blog, did you know you are a none return blogger?.should you win the little block I would have no way to contact you. (no blog name or email) Regards Doti

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A pretty little block which would make a perfect cushion for my newly decorated lounge! Enjoy the company and camaraderie at Bees each week. Liz

  7. OOps! Too busy reading other messages! I mean, Doti!!

  8. My other post seems to have disappeared! Hi Doti, I was part of Siblings Together 2 - small World! I just deleted (before sending) my message to you - sorry. I did say that I would use your beautiful block as the cover for one of my project binders. I am putting up (can't tell you when!) a plate rail on the back of the door of my sewing room so that I can put all (ok, 2) of my project binders on it facing out. It was my birthday on July 30th, as well.... should emotional blackmail play a part in your decision!!! Happy blogaversary!

    1. Hope you had a great Birthday on the 30th Penny. I loved doing the Siblings together blocks. All names will be put in a very small hat before I write my next blog so watch this space...

    2. Thank you for including me in the draw. I just loved the Siblings, they got me back into quilting and to using my machine, after quite a long break (and they were so patient with my rubbish cutting and piecing too!


Please leave a message to say you stopped by. Thanks Doti.