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Saturday, 13 June 2015


What have I been up too..... ? you may well ask..

I have been going to a textile art group, which at the beginning completely overwhelmed me.
You know the scenario ( thinks to oneself what the dickens am I doing here ) :0)

We are working from an A level Textiles course, and we were given Water as our theme.
So water was duly brainstormed. Water ie: running water, sea water, puddles, reflections etc etc.

I decided on reflections and not venturing very far, just into the garden to one of the bird baths and this was my starting point.

Trees and srubs reflected in the water.

 After this we painted with water colours,( no photos of my paintings as yet ) but
this is it so far, my piece of felted fabric. A long way to go but it's getting there.

Wool from the scrap bag was sewn on to Solufleece and then felted with a hand needle felting tool and block( this takes for ever)!.

Yesterday in class, we were painting Bondaweb/wonder under with acrylic paint so watch this space!!!!!

Getting back to something approaching normality, I have finished block three of  of Mrs Beasley's Mystery sampler quilt. So now I have to wait for issue 13 of Vignette to come.

Back to sock production, my year is getting shorter as I'm now doing Augusts pair.

Keep safe and keep stitching.......................Doti...

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