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Monday, 31 August 2015

Knitting UFO.

I always think of my Quilting as having UFO's but I guess one can have them in Knitting
as indeed I do.
It is August Bank holiday here in the UK and typical bank holiday weather. Peeing with rain !! and not very warm either. So the wood -burner was duly lit and not having any hand sewing to do, I thought I would sort out some of my knitting.

I started this while on holiday in Key West last year, and did intend to finish it as a Christmas present.

Well, Christmas came and went and we are now heading towards yet another Christmas. So I guess I should try and finish it.

I had forgotten how lovely this wool was. I was told about it by my lovely friend   
Deborah Kemball ( she of exquisite appliqué) who lives in Canada. The wool is by Brookland Tweed and is called Loft  it's so soft and as light as a feather. 

Think I just might finish it now.

Talking of finishes, we have had this large rock in our garden for over ten years, waiting for Mr M to make it into a water feature. Well our youngest son was here for a short stay and helped move it into position and yes, it's looking good.

Not a finish but a start. I have finally cut into my lovely Liberty Fabric and pieced a top.

I now need to visit my favourite quilt shop to purchase the wadding/batting and backing fabric, so watch this space. :0)

Back to my knitting now and a comfy chair by the fire..

Keep safe and keep stitching...........................Doti...

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Two Finishes.

Yep!! Two finishes indeed.
The honey Bee Quilt and the 12th pair of Socks this year.

Centre of quilt and label.

Last pair of socks for the year...

I set myself a challenge to make a pair of socks a month for twelve months and this is the 12th pair..:0) I might even make some more..

This is the Honey Bee Quilt finished, all but the binding, and I am leaving that to do at the Bee this week. Binding the quilt is my favourite part of making a quilt, so I shall sit with the girls, and probably eat too much cake and finish it off completely...

The quilt was designed by Leanne Beasley and was published in her magazine Vignette.

The weather is the pits here in Suffolk, it has not stopped raining all day. So I am off to have some homemade soup and bread for lunch. Then to finish a little birthday gift for one of the girls.

Keep safe and keep stitching.....................Doti...

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

You shorten your Jeans!

They were on sale at half price and the only ones in your size were long.
Yep!, you cut a chunk off your new jeans.


Now what do you do with the bits? Too nice to throw away, though you really should, but these have little hearts all over them :0).

So you unpick and give them a wash ( jeans shrunk on first wash and the colour ran), find some scrap fabrics that goes well with denim. 

Make paper pattern. And starting with a small square sew and flip onto heat resistant wadding till you have covered the square.

Using pattern cut out.

The backs were made from plain fabric and simply quilted, right sides joined together and flipped out. Now add some bias around the bottom plus a hanging loop.

Hope you noticed I made two Right gloves. I forgot to turn the pattern over Ha! Ha!

They are for me so I shall live with that. I also added some little appliqué hearts so not a scrap was wasted.

Other than making two right gloves it was a rewarding day and hopefully I will stop burning myself getting stuff out of the oven..

Keep safe and keep stitching.........................Doti...