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Monday, 22 April 2013

Gardening week end.

The weather has been great so I have been getting on with some well needed outside work in the garden. The veggie patch has been dug over, the green house cleaned and de spidered, seeds planted,
  the borders all weeded and I am now feeling more than a little smug.

My little shed/summer house where I sit and sew in the summer, needs a bit of a make over. A wash down and a lick of paint is called for, which I am hoping my husband might do. Or that will be the next job on my list for the garden. 

We have quite a few bird houses spotted in and around the garden

 the pottery ones made by me many moons ago and the wooden ones made by my hubby.

This terrace is used by the many sparrows that live in the garden. 

But where do Mr & Mrs BlueTit decide to build their nest? in the large pot on the shelf under the table...

I was sitting having a well earned cuppa when out popped Mr Blue Tit so fast that I thought I was mistaken. But no.. back he came with a beak full of nesting material, I do hope he uses some of that lovely shetland wool ends that I put in the bird feeder ( blog post What a palaver).

How are the baby fledglings going to get out I wonder, and why this old pot that I made many years ago when I was an art student, and not some of the very nice Bird houses. 

I feel really honoured, and have put thoughts about it in my memory jar ( blog post New Year), which by the way I am still using and will open next year. 

Just looked at the weather forecast and it is going to rain this afternoon, so hopefully I can get back to my quilting..

Hello .. to all my new readers in Romania and Russia, you can leave comments I can translate!!! 

Keep safe and keep stitching......Doti... 

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