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Tuesday, 2 April 2013

What a palaver.

Every thing has slowed down on the sewing and knitting front, the builders arrived on Bank Holiday Monday to start work on our bedroom ceilings. We have had to move down to the guest bedrooms, and clear the rooms of everything. Oh! what a palaver...

My Shetland Hoody is now finished and this is my friend Sue modelling it. She would dearly love me to knit her one in a smaller size, but I can not face doing it again. All those ends that had to be sewn in. Urgh.   I have put them in a bird feeder , so the birds can help themselves to some wooly nesting material. 

Wooly nesting material.

I have added the borders to my Jigsaw puzzle quilt  now renamed Humming bird quilt (much better do you not think), and have started to quilt it. As you know I do love to hand quilt my quilts, but this one I felt needed machine quilting around the panel blocks.

3 borders added.

Started the quilting.

Machine quilting around panel blocks

Note to my self, do more machine quilting. I felt really rusty, and as the quilt is now 6 foot square it also was a bit of a palaver, doing it on my domestic sewing machine. I need to do some more hand quilting on the panel blocks and make the binding. I am so loving making this quilt.

Keep safe and keep stitching....Doti...

1 comment:

  1. Oh you are getting good Dorothy... I am really sluggish at posting at the moment.. We have the builders in and I can't get down to sewing much at all.. Like your Humming Birds... very soft & subtle..


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