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Thursday, 18 April 2013

Spring has sprung.

Spring has sprung , well at least I think it has. Little clumps of spring flowers are popping up in the garden.
Daffodils in the front garden.
They are a little blown about with all the winds we are having, but oh! so welcome. 

Yesterday us sewing "girls" were all at the Bee in Wickham Market, It is a hand sewing group and we meet about twice a month when we are not at Wednesday Club. Lots of laughter, chatting and cake eating, which is really bad as we are all trying to watch our weight.

Walking around the table this is what some of the girls were doing.

Ann's Drunkerds path cushion.
Ann was hand quilting a couple of cushions for a charity sale.

Alison's sewing on yo-yo's.
Alison is getting to the end now of her button club quilt by Lynette Anderson.

Sue trying to finish her tapestry.
Sue has been doing this tapestry for years, and she too is getting near to the end now.

Fiona's rather fetching Chicken.
Fiona was cutting out felt appliqué pieces for her hen and chickens, which she hand appliqués. I love the background fabrics.

Jean working on a Redwork birdie.
Jean is working on a series of  redwork birdie drawings from Winter Twitterings by Pearl Louise Krush. Its a lovely book  which can be bought through Amazon. Most of us have done work from it.

Maggie owl block
What can one say about Maggie's owl, he just looks great. Another quilting group she belongs to are making a quilt for charity and this is her block.

 You might recognise my UFO. Yes I was working on it, shadow hand quilting around the appliqué on third block, just nine to go. Plod on I can hear you say.

Jenny was knitting bobble hats for Suffolk Age Concern. They are tiny to fit on top of smoothy bottles. I really will have to get started on some my self, last year our group sent in over 200.

Some weeks ago Alison was eating an apple for her lunch when she noticed that one of the pips in it was sprouting, It was brought home, potted up and would you believe it has begun to grow. What fun.

Keep safe and keep stitching .........Doti... 

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