It was a fun day at the Bee this week, lots of laughter, much stitching and of course too much cake eating. The Bee is a hand stitching group and that is what we were doing. Alison had started on block 4 of our mystery BOM, but I must show you a corner of her block 3. She had coloured her blossom and then embroidered it, it is so beautiful.
Liz was also working on her BOM, but had brought her Little Dandy Bag in to show us
( the instructions are on 2nd & 3rd of March on this blog). She has used a lovely selection of fabrics for this one as it's a present for her Mum's 92nd Birthday, I do hope she likes it.
Isn't this heap just "scrummy", its what Ann was working on. She was rick racking stems for her appliqué flowers. I hope to get a picture of this finished quilt soon. May be we need less laughter and more sewing.
This is a photo I took last week and forgot to include. It's Jean's Rooster and he is having a real crow, my he is colourful.

Me, I was working on a little tiny surprise stitchery quilt, which I hope to finish by the 31st of this month. On the 31st I will have been writing this blog for a year, and it's a little thank you to all my readers, a little free pattern.
The little toadstool quilt is to feature in next years Fabrications Quilting for you, which is a really lovely quilting magazine here in the UK, so I have to get cracking and write up the instructions.
Keep safe and keep stitching.... Doti...
What busy Bees you all are!!!!!!!!