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Thursday, 5 September 2013

UFO or start a New Quilt

Dilemma indeed, I have looked at all my UFO's and not one of them is saying finish me please, and I can't decide on a new quilt pattern.

About 18months ago, my friend Maggie and I purchased a quilt kit each from Jinny Beyer and I have not even opened mine. Now is this a UFO as I have had it for such a long time or a new project? A bit of both I guess.

Kit has now been duly opened, and oh! yes nice! Why on earth have I not started this quilt before, and I know just who I want to make it for. So thats me sorted for the next couple of weeks , sewing wise.

I did finish my pyramid quilt, the original idea for it came from Sunday Morning Quilts by Amanda Nyberg and Cheryl Arkison. Amanda writes a lovely blog called "crazy mom quilts"

However I have changed it somewhat, including making it bigger.

Before washing.

I am well pleased with it and this one I might just keep for me as it is so soft and cuddly. This is what it looked liked after washing.

My only other finish this week is another pair of Christmas socks (No 3) so I have now started on pair No 4, this is my evening pastime while hubby watches the TV. So my hand sewing has been put on hold at the moment.

Christmas socks No 3.

I also started making some tiny Hexies 1/2". Now I have not made Hexies since the 1960's. They were for the first quilt I ever made and about 2"in size. Mainly Laura Ashley fabric as that was all the rage then. Well these little ones are fun to make, though a bit fiddly. I will take pictures when I have done a few more..

Now back to my New/UFO quilt, there is some cutting out to do...

Keep safe and keep stitching....Doti..


  1. The pyramid quilt is looking good and as you've always told me you can never have to many quilts!!

  2. This quilt is fabulous! I love the triangles and the color palette and everything! I'm hoping to soon cast on my first pair of socks ever. I'm nervous, but I keep seeing these fun socks pop up, and I want some for myself! :)


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