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Friday, 26 September 2014

Not much Sewing done.

It seems ages since I wrote a post, but really there has been nothing to write about. We have been busy clearing out sheds and the loft as we are going to have work done on the cottage. It's been a little bit like going down memory lane while clearing out, finding lots of pots I made before I retired and  closed the Pottery. 

Quilting and Knitting were my hobbies then, now I would quilt all day and knit all evenings if I had my way but those little things called housework and cooking seem to get in the way a bit.

Some knitting has been done and I only have another 10 squares to do on the grey afghan for Mr M. He looks longingly at the brown and beige one that I made for myself every time I cosy up in it in the evenings. Autumn has definitely arrived.

I think I may have worked through my PINK phase, (thank goodness). The last pink thing is residing on the design wall and yuk! it can stay there as I have no desire to finish it. Well, at least not at the moment. If however, I have to make a quick baby quilt for a little girl..... Who Knows...

I am slowly working down the appliqué borders of the Floral Impressions quilt designed by
 Deborah Kemball , using the lovely Oakshott fabrics , I am getting there but it is very slow progress. 

However Oakshott's had a sale and I did get a lovely half meter bundle.

Now isn't that just beautiful, 6 meters in total, but I can't touch it until I have finished the appliqué quilt.

 Now that thing called cooking is calling me, preparation for our evening meal..

So keep safe and keep stitching..........................Doti...

Monday, 15 September 2014

Off on a tangent again.

Yes indeed, got to work this pink thing out of my system. Perhaps I was denied pink as a child, who knows. I have even bought Pink tulip bulbs to plant. But I love all things pink at the moment, not harsh pink but gentle soft pink.

Remember this from a few days ago, well I was not sure I would have enough of the grey linen shirt for the larger squares.

So it has morphed into this on the design wall at the moment.

More blocks to cut and sew, as yet I am not sure where it is going, though I am liking the  half square triangles down the centre of the 9 patch's.

I an also quite pleased with the little path I have made in the garden leading to the bird feeders, always a muddy patch in bad weather.

I think this little group of sparrows appreciate it too. Photo taken out of the kitchen window at bath time. Love the little Dove, top left hand corner, he looks like a peeping Tom..Ha! 

Mr M is off to Germany to watch his football team, so I hope to get lots of sewing done over the next few days.

Welcome to my new viewers in the Ukraine, so pleased you visit my blog.

Keep safe and keep stitching.............Doti.....

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Back on line again.

Oh! what a week, no internet and it is not until you loose it that you realise how much you depend on it.
We had to rely on the radio and the T V to know what was going on in the world.

I have however been plodding on with appliqué on the floral impressions quilt, all 12 feet of it. I am about halfway there now, and once these borders are done the whole top can be put together.

 I had to have a little break from the hand turned appliqué, so have been playing around with a grey linen shirt of Mr M's that I cut up and that lovely bundle of fat 1/4's  called Flirt by Dear Stella. 

I also completed my Sew a Row for our Bee's charity Quilt, though I forgot to take a photo before I passed it on to Fiona who is going to do the next row.

Two of the girls Alison and Liz at the Bee yesterday, were finishing off their knitted garments for their grandchildren
though as usual they were hiding behind them.

I have no little ones to knit for now, so I was quite envious. Although I am still knitting Mr M's grey afghan, though not as fast as I knitted the brown and beige one.
Got to get back to the appliqué quilt so,

Keep safe and keep stitching...............Doti...

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Still Pink.

The quilt is back from the long arm quilter, the lovely Val from DaisyMay quilting has done a great job. Pity my photo was not a little better. My excuse is it was raining so it had to be taken indoors.

The new year has begun for the Siblings Together 2 group. The Queen Bee, Teresa has asked for two 12 1/2 inch Snail Trail blocks for this month. I have never made this block before, I am not sure I like the name as me and slugs and snails do not get on. I usually give them flying lessons over the fence on to the A12. It was however, a very simple block to make and Teresa had found a great tutorial to follow. 

2 Snail Trail Blocks for ST2.

Mine are now done for September and it was a welcome break from all the appliqué I am doing for the Floral Impressions Quilt. No photos at the moment but I am still plodding along.

We have been trying to get the front garden back in shape, as it has got a little over grown. So this week has been spent laying in a new brick path. These poor hands are not looking like quilters hands at the moment.

Thought I would try and get a better photo of the quilt, so have just been outside to try. It's slightly better and yep it is still very Pink.

Time to get back to the appliqué.

Keep safe and keep stitching.........Doti...