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Thursday, 19 December 2013

Getting my Mojo back.

Everything is ready for Christmas, well as ready as it's going to be. All Christmas knitting and sewing done, all cards and parcels sent and my mojo seems to have gone along with them.
My appliqué block of the month is finished, all blocks for the Siblings Together Bee done, and Mojo nowhere to be found. 

I am blaming it on the Christmas tree, which is residing on top of my ironing table in the window, and not leaving me much room to get to my sewing machine.

This is it in the evening all lit up and yes I know it looks pretty…. So I have  been doing lots of hand sewing, and as you know I do love to hand sew, but I want to sew on my machine and I am at a loss as what to make. 

This hits me a least twice a year, and I usually sit and draw when this happens, but today it's the other way around. Eight different red fabrics cut into 4 inch squares and some background fabric for the stitchery panels and I am off.

 Love the winter sunshine shining through the window on to my fabrics.

Now to join it all together, and sit and draw the stitchery.. I would like to get back to my Elfin Patch designs, (which is why this blog was called Elfin Patch), that all seems so long ago.. so watch this space..

Keep safe and keep stitching …………Doti...

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