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Monday, 23 December 2013

Red Work Quilt...

Well, it's one day away from Christmas Eve and the weather is the pits. Just very grey and oh! so cold and the wind is blowing a hooley. Definitely not the weather for going out in, but church flowers have to be done and of course, our four legged friends have to go for their walks.

The birds have stripped the holly berries from the tree that we always collect our greenery for church from, so a friend has given me some from her tree. The birds have not got that far down the street as yet.

I have been busy drawing Red work designs for the Red Quilt, far too many as usual, but I will have plenty to choose from.

 Sorted out which ones and where they are going.

First block tested out. Yes, I reckon it will work OK. Now I have plenty of stitchery to do over the Holidays.

I would like to wish all the readers of this blog a very Merry Christmas and a good 2014.

The last few days I have had a lot of visitors from Russia reading this blog. Happy Holidays to you. I do hope you are enjoying sharing my little ramblings, mostly quilting and knitting with a little gardening thrown in.

Keep safe and keep stitching

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