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Thursday, 17 April 2014

Plodding On.

My favourite Quilt shop as you know is Sew an So's of Bungay, so off I went on Monday feeling so much better. The order of the day was Wadding/ batting and wide backing fabric and some fabric for the outer borders for the parsley quilt. I must think of a better name for it than that..

The backing fabric was perfect, a very light grey with (would you believe it) cow parsley on it. I am going to hand quilt this quilt so the next job is to make the quilt sandwich.

I finished the Quilt Show BOM for April, E and J, and the whole thing is coming together nicely. I decided on a nice shade of Pink for my lamb, with dark maroon head and legs.

I now need to sort out the lovely Oakshot fabric for my appliqué BOM for April. When I saw the block this month there was no OMG, I just thought Oh I can do that. So I must be getting better at hand turned appliqué, no fear this month.

But more pressing, I have to get some 6in blocks of Beach Huts done for the community quilt. I saw Susie (the co-ordinator) in the hairdressers this morning and she was in Panic Mode, so it's Beach Huts and sea this afternoon...

Yesterday afternoon,I knew the full meaning of being Retired and leave you with these thoughts. Our lovely Deerhound Gladdie is in season and yesterday afternoon she curled up with me with her head on my lap, just looking for comfort. So I sat and rubbed her tummy and empathised with her. She rarely sits with me as Mr M is the love of her life. It was a lovely half hour and one I will treasure, and one I could not have done if I was still working..

Keep safe and keep stitching ........Doti.....


  1. Ah Bless Gladdie..... we women can empathise with her.... but she still gets off lightly... no 12 times a year for her.. x

  2. I had a look at Latin names and others for Cow Parsley (it is Cow Parsley isn't it?) for your parsley quilt and discovered other names too - one of which was "Queen Anne's Lace" which seems like a good name.
    Your garden is beautiful!!!


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