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Monday, 21 January 2013

Still Snowing.

Yes its still snowing here in Suffolk UK, though it does look lovely. It's very cold so I am staying in, keeping warm and getting on with knitting and sewing jobs.

My finished mittens.

I am well pleased with my lovely warm Alpaca mittens, and they were made with scraps from my wool basket. I now have to order some wool from my friend +Anj of Meadow yarns, as I would love to knit a hat from the book Colours of Shetland that I mentioned in my last post.

Two little pin cushions.

Here are two little pin cushions I made yesterday. I found this great tutorial on the net and I was going to link to it on this blog for you all to see, but I seem to have lost it. I was blog hopping as you do and for the life of me where it is now I do not know. 
I did take photos of some of the steps as I made the second one, to remind me how they were made. So I will try and sort you out a tutorial of some sorts tomorrow, or who knows I might even find the original.

Keep safe and keep stitching....Doti


  1. Blog hopping.... a dangerous hobby.... I have the same frustrating tendencies.. I think I have seen them too... if I stumble on them I'll let you know..
    Very impressed with your mittens... are you knitting them Intarcia (is that the term?) or with self patterning wool like the sock yarn we used to have at QH? Looks like they are just the job for this weather anyway... Keep warm.

  2. Wish it had been self patterning wool, all separate balls of wool, with all those ends to sew in yuck!


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