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Saturday, 2 March 2013

One of those weeks...

Yes indeed, it's been one of those weeks. You know the one where every thing you do turns to you know what. But the sun is out today and February has finally gone. maybe just maybe, spring is on the way at last.

I took my dandy little bag I made last week to Wednesday Club, and all the "girls" want to make one. As usual, I just sew till it looks OK, with no thought of of what size I cut things etc. etc. So, I have had to make another one and photograph each stage, so I can write a pattern of sorts.

2nd little bag

Assortment of fabrics that go together.

Cut backing fabric 12 1/2" Square 
Wadding/batting 11 1/2"square

Place first square on and quilt straight lines 1/4" apart.

Place 2nd strip across and stitch.

Press and flip, stitch the same as first square.

Sew log cabin style till the whole of the 12 1/2" square is covered.

Turn over and trim any overhang.

Make pocket, two pieces of fabric right sides facing,
stitch around leaving a gap to turn right sides out

Press and hand stitch pocket to inside of bag.

Sew side seams together and press open, cover with bias binding.

Cover bottom seam with bias binding, measure and mark and sew across the bag corners.

I am going to leave this at this point, as my computer is playing up and will resume again tomorrow, computer willing.

Keep safe and keep stitching... Doti...

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