Well, I spent a long time stroking my lovely new fabric, dreaming of what I was going to do with it. After getting very cross with the UFO I was working on, because I put one of the borders on upside down, TWICE, and would have to do a lot of frogging, once again. The new fabric won...
I started with the panel and cut all the blocks out, pinned them to Ricky Timm's stable stuff and quilted them with silk thread. I had this idea of setting them in a background made up of all the fabrics in the fat 1/4 bundles. My husband seemed very interested in how I was going to achieve this, so I gave him the graph paper, and told him the number and sizes of the quilted blocks from the panel. Then asked him to fill the background. Having taught Maths (though mainly geometry and algebra) many years ago this is what he came up with.
Oh dear!, He had even calculated the cutting requirements for each fat 1/4....
What now? So I enlarged it,
Gave each of the fabrics a colour code , and coloured the graph in.
I forgot to tell him about No Y seems etc.. and I did not have the heart to tell him, he was so pleased with himself. So it was go for it! I am going to call this quilt my Jigsaw puzzle quilt, as its just like doing a large Jigsaw puzzle.The finished size will be approximately 6 feet square. I have started piecing it together and I must say I am having great fun
(at the moment). Watch this space.
Stay safe and keep stitching......Doti..
Fantastic to see your process! So honored you have chosen my fabric to design with...lovely!
Saw your quilt from Shell Rummels email. Love the design flow! Looking forward to seeing the finished product with that beautiful material!